Earn money for your school and turn little smiles into healthy ones!
Did you know that your overall well-being is linked to your oral health? Habits are taught, so let’s show our little people that regular cleans and checkups combined with healthy habits can ensure their little smiles can turn into big healthy ones.
Working in partnership with local schools, Hamilton Dental Centre already delivers fun and educational in-school demonstrations about the importance of our habits on our teeth. Please help us continue to educate our future generation with our latest initiative. With every hygiene clean, Hamilton Dental Centre will donate $20 back to select schools in the Hamilton area to help to promote oral health initiatives.
Currently, our offer is for Rototuna Primary School and Horsham Downs School.
If you would like to see your school involved contact us on 07 854 8905 or get your school to give us a call!
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Contact Us
T: 07 854 8905
E: info@thehdc.co.nz
3/111 Thomas Road,
Rototuna, Hamilton
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